Wednesday, September 23, 2015

2 state birds I learned about

I learned about the Nene Hawaiian Goose ( also know as or pronounced nēnē) and it's species name is "sandvicensis" a word that refers to the Sandwich Islands, an old name for the Hawaiian Islands. It is thought the nene evolved from the Canada Goose.

The Cactus wren, a bird that is the state bird of Arizona is the largest North American wren. Unlike smaller wrens, cactus wrens are easy to see. It has the loudest voice characteristic of wrens.

Those are my favorite State Wrens

Williamsburg Bradford the guy who created ford

              WB lived with his Grandpa William. His dad died when he was one and later in the book his mom does too. So his mom marries another guy and moves away. So when he was six his grandpa gave him a sheep named Mercy. He memorized the shepherd part of bible. Soon he went to school. His grandpa died :( :( :( :( So sad. He now lived with his Uncle, his stepbrother i think,  and his stepsister. Later his stepsister dies! He went to school and made a new friend named Sam. He learned to read. Then WB soon married Dorthy Bradford and had a kid named John. Then he sailed to Plymouth and his wife drowned. Then he suddenly met Squanto and became governor of Plymouth and make Thanksgiving.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Pocahontas was the daughter of a chief who ruled over 30 tribes, Powhatan.
In May 1607, about 100 English colonists settled along James River, located in Virginia, for they were there to found Jamestown, the first and permanent English settlement in America. The settlers have fared badly because of famine, Indian attacks, and disease, but were aided by a 27-year-old adventurer, John Smith, who directed survival efforts and mapped areas. While exploring Chickahominy River in Dec 1607, Smith and two colonists were captured by Powhatan warriors. At that time, the Powhatan confederacy consisted of around 30 tidewater-sea area tribes led by Chief Wahunsonacock, known as Chief Powhatan to Englishmen.

Monday, September 14, 2015

10 interesting drops from Buffalo that I choose by finn

Moccasin Soles (rawhide)
Bullet Pouches  (rawhide)
Pemmican (meat)
Cups (horns)
Pillows (hair)
Headdresses (hair)
Game Balls (hair)
Quivers (buckskin)
Cradles (buckskin)
Containers (rawhide)

Moccasin: Shoes (made from buffalo rawhide)
Bullet pouches: to carry (made from buffalo rawhide)
Pemmican: protien-filled meat (meat)
Cups: used for drinking (horns)
Pillows: to rest head on (hair)
Headdresses: to wear (hair)
Game Balls: to play with it (hair)
Quivers: to carry arrows in (buckskin)
Cradles: to rest baby in (buckskin)
Containers: to carry supplies easily (rawhide)

Friday, September 11, 2015


Hummingbirds tongue. A hummingbird just licks its food right? Well nope! A hummingbirds sucks it's food up like a pump. The tongue has 2 tubes that suck in the nectar and suck it up!                   People thought they licked it with their beaks.
!Image result for goat grass memex1000 goat

9/11 D:
9/11/01 is very sad. These muslim terrorists hijacked 4 planes D: . They crashed planes into the Pentagon, the Twin Towers, and in a Pennsylvania field. The twin towers were 2 separate towers. The one that crashed into the field was thought to be heading to the White House :O. I feel bad for everyone that died in the plane crashes and the collapsing towers and the fire! It was a sad day September Eleventh, 2001. Over 2000 were killed. D; . They have a memorial every year. Where the Twin Towers were, they are replaced with a fountain that has a big stone railing that says the name of all the people who died D:    So today they shot up lights in the sky D:



Thursday, September 10, 2015

The Lost Colony (kinda creepy)

The Lost Colony was in action before 1590 and the colony vanished in 1590. The only clue left of the  colony was these words marked on a tree "Croatoan" meaning....... no one knows. Do you know the WALTER Magazines that you get in NC? That was from Sir Walter Raleigh. They went in NC, and Jamestown. They might have thought that "Croatoan" carved meant a type of Indian or people from the Lost Colony was murdered. About 117 men, women and children went missing near the coast of Outer Banks.

The Lost Colony :O

By Jack

Image result for images of silence is toddlerImage result for images of silence is toddler
117 People of England went to start a colony for Queen Elizabeth I.  The Captain refused to sail them any further than Roanoke island. So the colony stopped there to settle.  Some sailed back to England because of a storm. Then a drought happened. The worst in the state of North Carolina. They went missing. And on a tree there was a word Croatoan. IT IS CREEPY! They were either ambushed by the Croatoan or they went to Croatoan island. The leader's ring was found on Croatoan island. So that is a clue that some of them went to Croatoan or some went inland. Recently pottery has been found that is from the same time as the Roanoke settlement. And some descendants are still alive. It could have been 2 people named James Payne and Michael Payne who share the same ancestor.... James lives in England and Michael lives in North Carolina. This still remains a mystery today. Some Payne ancestors are found all over NC and the UK. People still struggle to find the truth.



Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Fransisco Vázquez de Coronado y Luján from 1510 - 22 September 1554 was a Spanish conquistador and explorer, who led a large expedition from Mexico to the present-day Kansas through parts of the South western US between 1540 and 1542. Coronado believed that the Seven cities of Gold, paved roads with gold, and other stuff. It wasn't real. Lots of famous sailors hoped to find it but it wasn't true. His name is often Anglicized as "Vazquez de Coronado"

He was born into a noble family in Salamanca, Spain.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The pet I want, and cottonwood trees :D By Jack

         The pet I want is called a blue lounged skink. They are not creepy at all! They are very cute and can live up to 20 years. They are ground reptiles and found in the really far East in Indonesia and Australia. They eat almost anything! Like meatballs, hamburgers, ketchup and mustard hotdog, lettuce, veggies, fruit, insects, and eggs and meat! They will make a meal out of almost anything. They grow to about 20 inches long and have a blue tongue to protect them. They cannot climb. They have great camouflage but if that doesn't help them, their blue tongue can! The color of the tongue means poison to predators but they don't have any poison. Their scales are soft and turn yellowish brown when near shedding. They are not born in eggs. They need to be kept under a light constantly. They are used to warm temperatures. They are one of the most popular exotic reptile pets :D.

Cottonwood trees are a type of tree that lives in America, Western Asia, Europe, Eastern and Macedonia. They are known as cottonwood trees because their seeds have soft puffs on them that makes them look like cotton. They are tolerant to floods, erosion etc. Their wood is soft and can easily be chopped. They are common in the southwest of America.

Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked) : Angiosperms
(unranked) : Eudicots
(unranked) : Rosids
Order : Malpighiales
Family : Salicaceae
Genus : Populos
Section : Aigeiros

These are large trees. 25-40 m tall with diamond shaped leaves that are green on both sides of the leaf. The seeds are borne ( idk what that means ) on cottony structures and can be carried far before landing. The petiole is flattened sideways of the tree's leaves, and has a particular movement when the wind blows. The wood is course and a fairly low value. Used for shipping crates, pallet boxes etc.
Cottonwood is a very important tree and still is today



Cottonwood or "Populus deltoides" the eastern cottonwood, is a cottonwood poplar that is native to North America and grows throughout eastern central and southwestern USA the southernmost part of eastern Canada and north east of Mexico. It is a dicot.

It is also a large tree growing to about 20–40 m (66–131 ft) tall and with a trunk up to 1.8 m (5.9 ft) diameter, it is know because it is one of the Largest North American hardwood trees. The bark is silvery white and smooth or lightly fissured when they are young, becoming dark gray and deeply fissured on old trees. Twigs are gray-yellowish and stout, with large triangular leaf scars. Winter buds are slender, pointed, 1-2 cm long (.039-0.79 inches) yellowish brown, and resinous.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Lego Mindstorms

 A few days ago I started Lego Mindstorms. Basically, There is a team, and we have to build a robot and program it to do certain stuff in 2 1/2 minutes. It has to be autonomous, that means programmed to do it ON ITS OWN. Remote control is cheating!! I am in a group of 6. (including me)
Finn, I, Frankie, Eva, Arushi, and Eshan. Our robot has to do certain stuff. We had to build things like a compost machine, a lego factory, a building, truck, car etc. I built the compost machine. It is basically a bunch of gears that tick until some compostable trash turns into fertilizer. (Not Really)

We used these sticky things called dual locks to stick them down where they belong.

Finns Elephant

Today Finn built an EL3PHANT EV3 Bot. It really looks like an elephant! But he was crying hard because it took 12 hours of waste. He didn't even know he could fix it. But it works! It is the hardest Lego EV3 Robot with instructions. It has many gears and wires. It took a while for the head to be fixed and the trunk but it works! He did something with the leg though. I think its pretty cool. It is full of all types of gears, wires, motors, parts, and wheels! It is a great engine even if it doesn't work well.

By Jack :)