Wednesday, February 10, 2016


                        Seabird was looking for her mate when a snowstorm happened. She met a whaler and            distracted a young man named Ezra. When seabird flew away, Ezra found an iceberg. She saved the whaler! Then Ezra traded with an Eskimo for 2 Walrus tusks. Ezra carved the 2 tusks into the Seabird. He thought the seabird gave the Whaler luck. Then they found a right wale. The whole crew fought hard for this whale, and the Captain and Ezra bet on when the whale would breach. Captain said 30 minutes and Ezra said 5. If Ezra won, he would have a dinner with Captain. If Captain won, more work for him! Then Ezra got promoted and now he had a son. His son's name was Nathaniel. He taught Nathaniel all about the sea. Ezra said he could swim before he could walk. He was diving 10feet when he was about 5. His father let him use Seabird for traveling and Ezra bought a boat and crew. He went through the South Sea with his son all the way to San Francisco.  A mean guy on the crew took seabird and dropped her in 90 ft water! Nate dove down to receive the lucky charm. He went 90 ft down! Ezra then took him to Hawaii to play with the Natives. Nate too had a son! He named his son Jim. Jim was fond of boats until 3. He then became interested in engines. He wanted the new steamboats to be screwed with valves not throwing in coal! He found a way for his father's new company to get more money! He soon became a ship designer and built fancier ships, with more and better food, seats, beds, and easier jobs. Then Jim had a son named Ken. No no no! Don't think that Ezra is dead. Ezra has been working and is 105. Ken is 5 years old when Ezra is 105. He goes to the pier with little Ken and they talk about what Ken should do in his life, and how he would visit India and China.

The End

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