Friday, May 13, 2016

Dinner Party #2

The next year we have an even crazier party!! We invited 5 different people like Simon the Bird, A bunny, a cow, a Japanese Person, and a Bluefin tuna. They make this night even crazier! We order sushi again and when the tuna sees it, he flops like a madman, calls us cannibalists, jumps out of his tank, and kills himself. More tuna for us! We tell the cow that he gets seaweed sushi. Simon chooses the sea urchin one, The Japanese chooses the Japanese one, and the bunny gets carrot. We eat and eat and we killed the tuna so we earned 100,000$! $_$ We now split the money, 25,000 each! Oh wait the cow and bird and bunny don't need 25,000 dollars so me and the Japanese man get 50,000! We buy more food and the Japanese man gets drunk and gives me the unspent money. He spent 21,000 dollars so I get 29,000! I give some to my family and keep 8,000. Next we order rice. The cow, bunny, and Bird eat it because the rice has carrots, grass, and zucchini. (Don't tell Simon that it has eggs in it) Oh no! You told him! He kills himself 10,000 miles away in the depths of Mt. Fuji! That leaves us with 2 oh god no the cow has discovered beef. -Drowns himself- Now we have the bunny. Only 3 guests (Including me) remain. We now eat a Spanish meal with carrots. The bunny is fine being a carnivore. Oh god no! The Japanese man sharts his pants from the delicious beans we ate! He goes back to Japan. The bunny and me are left so I cook him. Great Stories iz amasing

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