Monday, August 31, 2015

To Notch

Dear Notch,

My name is Finn Alexander Rissanen. I am one of your biggest fans!! I heard you were sad that you sold Minecraft and Mojang to Microsoft for 2.5 b and posted that on Instagram. Thank you for making Minecraft. I cannot live without it. You are lucky you have a candy room. Me and my brother (jack) and my friend Frankie want to make a game when we grow up!!!! We are coding LEGO Mindstorms robots and programming and testing them. I want to learn how to code. Also, you have a big mansion in Beverly Hills, CA right? That is cool. Me and my brother share a Minecraft (computer account) and the username is JRissanen. My friend's username is TheDroneGuy. Frankie's username on the PE is enderman84 and mine is enderdragons1234 and my brother won't tell me his username. I also wish to get COBALT. It looks like a really fun game!! We live in Holly Springs, NC Raleigh.

- from Finn Alexander Rissanen a huge fan


Thursday, August 27, 2015


The Iriquois Indians are people that are Native American and lived in Northeastern U.S.. They were hunters and gatherers and farmers and fisherman but main staples of their diet come from farming. They harvested the three sisters -corn, beans and squash and were great for smoking. Their crops grow in a very specific manner and were managed, grown and harvested by the girls of a tribe. Out of six annual ceremonies, four revolved around the corn. They also gathered fruit, wild berries, roots, greens,sunflower, barks and others. In the early spring, they tapped sap off Maple trees and turned it into maple syrup (which we drink today) :P They move to a new settlement close to water every 10-30 years as soil loses nutrients and animal and fish go way.

They are good at hunting. Iroquois Indians are cool!

Iroquois Indians

                       The Iroquois were a tribe of Indians in Canada. They did not like the Frenchmen because they took over. Eventually, they joined America against the Frenchmen in a battle for Canada. Samuel De Champlain fought them for no reason, and the the rival began. The Iroquois were the most powerful Indian tribe in Canada in that time. The Iroquois were very spirutal people and believed everything had a spirit. Everything. The men were hunters, traders, and protecters. They went to war when necessary. Old tribe members would sit around a fire and tell stories to young Iroquois. They made crops of corn, wheat, etc.

          On celebrations they would wear a ceremonial hat called a kastoweh. A Kastoweh is a feathered ceremony mask. They did festivals like Corn Planting Festival, Green Corn Festival, Thanksgiving Festival, Maple Festival, New Year Festival, and Strawberry Festival. They consider tribal masks sacred so nobody wears them but only for religious purposes. Men wore leggings and breech close and women wore long wrapped shirts and leather leggings. But in winter, they all wore robes. Most of these clothes were made from animal hide.

        And that is all for Iroquois Indians!


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

|The Spirit of Dave|The Spirit of Dave|The Spirit of Dave|

     Dave did not survive but his memory lives on. He was a great butterfly that we saved. He slowly died and then ants came. This is an image of what he looked like but this image is a toy butterfly. The bottom right part of the wing is gone and his back was hurt. On this image the wing isn't correct so a little of the bottom part of the right wing was missing. We all miss Dave the butterfly.                        At least we let him live for a little longer ): He was found at Harris Teeter, Holly Springs NC and went to our house. I am glad that Mom, I and Finn saved Dave. We also saved a part of nature :D

Thursday, August 20, 2015

-Jack Dave

       It all started when we were out shopping for groceries and I spotted a butterfly. His tail part of back wing was gone. It might have been for balancing. I told Mom and Finn. We put him on a bush and then went shopping. When we were done,  Dave ( We call him that ) fell off! We unloaded and put him in a chick-fil-a fry holder and hurried as fast as we could to our butterfly bush. We gave him some fresh flowers and he still lives. Dave is weak, but still alive. He is one of those black yellow monarch butterflies. We hope he'll live to see another day.
A picture of what Dave looks like. He is a strong butterfly! He has survived 2 hours since we found him and he is still where we put him. I thought he died because only the wind was moving him and he wasn't moving. D: . But he is alive! I hope he survives the night and day too. You see that tallish part on the right wing? That is what was gone missing.

I have hope for Dave!!!

A true story made by Jack Rissanen.

Butterfly Dave: The Survivor Series

 Ch 1.  How it all started....             Me, Jack, and Laura (my mom)were going to Harris Teeter. We were out of milk and other foods. We see a butterfly on the driveway. We parked right next to the Monarch Butterfly but we were one car away from the Jeep Wrangler. The butterfly's right-back wings were damaged. We put the butterfly on the bush next to him.                                                                                                                   Ch 2. Shopping                    We went shopping. Milk, Cereal, smoked turkey for examples that we bought. We finish shopping. We get to the truck. The butterfly had fallen off again. He kept falling off. Then we were left with only 1 option........
Ch 3. Adventurer                             Options were intense. We had no choice but to bring him home. Out in the backyard we have a rosebush where hummingbirds and butterflies and all other flower-sucking bugs come to feast. We put the butterfly in a 1 week in-the-car Chick-fil-a fry carrier box.
Ch. 4 Not much time                        We live close to the store. Down the hill were two neighborhoods. The left is our neighborhood. We live at the top. The Butterfly bush isn't in popularity. My estimation is that the humming birds, butterflies etc. had eaten. The butterfly wasn't in good shape.
Ch. 5 The Name                                 The butterfly was sticking onto the flowers. Laura asks me to to take a picture of it. I got thirteen in 3 seconds but before that..... I tried to spell SAVE THE BUTTERFLY!!!! :O but misspelled it DAVE THE BUTTERFLY :O. So our family names the butterfly Dave. Dave sticks on, but he can fall off easily so every ten minutes, we see if he fell. He wasn't moving for minutes. Laura and Jack say that Dave had died.
Ch. 6 This isn't the end....                   Dave still doesn't move. Laura keeps saying he dies. Jack runs upstairs to his room and goes on Instagram on his iPad Mini. It feels like Jack doesn't care about him anymore because he thinks he dies. I pick him up. He moves his six legs rapidly. Laura is very surprised he is still alive. I run up and tell Jack that he's alive. He is happy.
Ch.7 Mercy                                     So today, Dave sticks onto the flowers, if he falls, we pick him up and we hope, we hope soon that he will grow his wounds back again.


                                                                            The End


Friday, August 14, 2015

Gallimimus by Jack

                              The Gallimimus was an ornithomimid theropod dinosaur that lived in the Gobi    Desert in Mongolia. It ate small animals and plants so it was probably an omnivore and a herbivore.  Its eyes on the side of its head indicates that it did not have binocular vision. It was 8 meters long and is the most biggest ornithomimosaurs today. It lived during the late Cretaceous period. Just when the dinosaurs died out! It's legs were built to run so it could run fast. It could outrun a sandstorm if it wanted to. They were probably an evolution of an ostrich. They were alike in many ways. The first fossil was discovered in August, 1963. It was found in the Gobi. The gallimimus didn't eat big food. Its beak wasn't big enough. It probably hung around the southern part of Gobi where it had water and more food because it was near China, and China has lots of water and food. The Gallimimus may have had feathers because the ostrich has feathers. The Gallimimus was bigger than the ostrich, but it evolved and became smaller. It had a small head so it probably had a small brain! It was really big! 8 meters is 26 ft long! Imagine how much full grown people it would take to be as long as this dinosaur! It might have been about 3 people long and 1 1/2 people tall! That is a big dinosaur!

And that is all about the Gallimimus!


Thursday, August 13, 2015


Albertosaurus meaning "Alberta Lizard" is a genus of tyrannosaurid theropod dinosaur that lived in North America during Late Cretaceous Period which is almost about 70 million years ago. It is a predator, also known as a carnivore, (entity that eats meat) and also similar to a tyrannosaurus. It was smaller than other dinosaurs like Tarbosaurus and Tyrannosaurus. Teeth are the size of bananas. If every banana was albertosaurus teeth, you would see how big they are. This beast lived in North America about 70 million years ago.

Monday, August 10, 2015



Oceans are the biggest source of water (salt water) and lots of animals live in it. Fish, sharks whales, etc. Most are dark blue while some are green and some are really clear. Florida is a peninsula. A peninsula is a state, or land covered by water on all sides. 

:P. Oceans include the following: fish, coral, sand, crabs, boats, etc. Also, there are also beach houses wherever there is a beach. Oak Island has a series of beach houses, the Outer Banks, Florida, etc. This is a beach with clear water, some people call good beaches Paradise.

On vacation some people go to the Bahamas. It has clear water like this image. You might have seen the advertisement on tv. Advertising a vacation sure  brings in the populations!!!!! Other people call it Paradise Island.

Animals live in the ocean. Here is one:A sea turtle, found in the ocean. A shark, a predator of the ocean: This is as far as I can write. hope you enjoy!!!

Friday, August 7, 2015

LEGO Mindstorms Sensors by Finn

Today I will be writing about LEGO Mindstorms Robotic Sensors. Here they are:

Ultrasonic Sensor: This is a sensor that detects how far away an object is. This is useful if you want it to stop instead of hitting an object. It is like the IR Sensor, (infrared sensor) but it has different eyes.

Color Sensor: This sensor is used so the robot tracks lines. If the lines go over, it recognizes that it is going to fall of a table. When this happens, (as you program it) it will avoid it and go backwards.

Gyro Sensor: This is a useful sensor because it shows you an angle or degrees (your choice) to you. Angle is recommended because about 120 degrees it mid-left. You get the idea.

NXT Sound Sensor: I'm not really sure what this does. One reason is because it was from the 2nd version, LEGO Mindstorms NXT and NXT 2.0. What I think it does is when yo program it, you say something it is either to respond to you, or copy what you said. Don't know, but here is an image:

Touch Sensor: The Touch Sensor is very useful because if you program it for you to press the button, it will do something. It is also useful if you are going to make a LEGO Mindstorms Robot game, press the touch sensor and begin!! Image

That is mostly all I know about the main sensors to my robot. Enjoy this Information!!!

Dinosaurs By Jack

This is the Triassic Period      It was marshy, dry, and not very fertile  
    Dinosaurs have been around for millions of years. But they died out 65M years ago. There were three periods in the Mesozoic Era. The triassic, the jurassic, and finally the cretaceous periods.This was the Jurassic Period. It was full of bigs dinosaurs and raptors.

This is the cretaceous period. Fertile and full of many climates

         Dinosaurs have been living for over 300 Million years. Nobody knows why they died out. It could have been a meteor hurtling towards Earth. Or volcanos. Or an ice age long ago. Scientists are trying to find out why. The first dinosaur ever found was in the 1900's. People haven't known about dinosaurs for a long time!! I think it was the Ichthyosaurus. The Ichthyosaurus is a sea dinosaur that was pretty big. The smallest dinosaur was probably the Archaeopteryx. It was probably the first dinosaur that ever lived. The smartest was the Troodon. It was small but it hunted in packs.

And thats all about dinosaurs!

By Jack

there is a 2nd one

Thursday, August 6, 2015


      Peak is a 15 year old kid that climbed Mount Everest and helped the youngest person ever to it. He helped someone named Sun-Jo, a 14 year old kid. Peak was from New York but he left because he illegally climbed a skyscraper and someone copied him and died. So he was sent to Everest with his stepdad. Unfortunately, he climbed over 20,000 ft and his stepdad said he had to go down!

            That was later in the book. Sun-Jo wasn't allowed at Everest, but he climbed anyway. The Chinese were trying to hunt him down, but he survived. His grandpa, Zopa brang Peak and Sun-Jo to everest and he helped them to get to the top. When his stepdad said he had to go down, Peak, Zopa, Sun-Jo and 2 people named Yogi and Yash, helped him reach the top and become the youngest to reach the top! :D    

          In the book, a few people died on the mountain D: And after Peak reached the top with Sun-Jo, he went back to New York and saw his family! :D He hadn't seen them in a while. I would recommend it because it is full of adventure and danger!



The Mosasaurus is a extinct marine reptile from the Cretaceous Period. The remains of the first Mosasaurus were found in a limestone mine. It was alive nearly 70 million years ago, and that is a very long time. The Mosasaurus is also in the playing film: "Jurassic World" Image of a Mosasaurus:
It has four arms and a ginormous tail and huge teeth. The teeth are about the size of a banana. Also, it is the dominator of the sharks. Here is the Mosasaurus's, size (if alive today) compared to a human:

A size comparison Mosasaurus hoffmannii with a diver. It is huge marine dinosaur, probably the biggest of the Cretaceous Period.

I chose it because it is huge and cool. If they were still alive, and was after me, I would go to the surface as quick as a I can and then feed it later. It eats sharks which is a great thing!!! But it is not alive today so there will still be shark attacks.  :( I do not like sharks. I wish sharks would eat this instead |

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Jack Lego_Mindstorms.PNG8_5_15

                                Today I played with LegoMindstorms. I programmed a part for a lego machine and the EV3 made it work! The EV3 is a lego machine with plugs and a USB cable. You have to use a software on a computer to program it though. The programming is pretty easy :D . When your done learning how to program, there is a button on the bottom right corner that says when you hover your mouse over it, it says download. Before you press that make sure that a PC cable is plugged into a USB Cable on the fat end and on the short end, plug the cord into the EV3 part that says PC.
                   Then you pressed download after you save as on the save button. Name it whatever you want and then press download. The EV3 will make a noise and that shows it downloaded. Now on the EV3, press the right arrow and it will go to the folder area.

               Now look for the folder you saved onto the EV3 and select it. Then there should be the play symbol next to the word Program. Hit that and your EV3 will to whatever you programmed it to do!

    And that is how you make the EV3 work!

:D     Jack

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Circus Marandis, The Magic Circus

           Circus Marandis is about a Circus that appears, if you believe. Micah's grandpa is sick and dying, so his Grandpa tells him that Circus Marandus is real and he must travel there to save him with a miracle when Micah's grandpa went there when he was 10. Micah's parents died a long time ago so his grandpa looked after him. But he was dying so his great Aunt, who was very mean looked after him.

Micah got his miracle from the Light Bender, a magical guy in the Circus. Little did Micah know, that the miracle that his grandpa had, his Grandpa used it on him...... The Lightbender wouldn't give it up because his Grandpa used the Miracle on Micah, So he left.

           If The Lightbender went out of the circus, the circus would turn visible and not visible because the light bender makes illusions. So the circus was visible for a while and people saw it. Micah almost died to get the miracle. So the light bender travels on an elephant with Micah to Grandpa's house. The Grandpa died D:    D: . So his mean Aunt goes back to her home in Arizona but then there was a fissure. The Light Bender was there and told Micah do you want to live in Circus Marandus? He said yes.  

That was the end! :D


Monday, August 3, 2015

Blacktip Reef Shark by Finn

A blacktip reef shark is a shark that lives in saltwater, and most spotted near Oak Island. We saw 2 there! It was so cool!!!! But all the people along the beach were in the water.... the sharks were near the shore. It eats fish, or maybe other sharks!!! The most sharks in the world are near CA. There are a lot of sharks!! Sharks lived in the dino time, so they are really old!