Thursday, August 27, 2015

Iroquois Indians

                       The Iroquois were a tribe of Indians in Canada. They did not like the Frenchmen because they took over. Eventually, they joined America against the Frenchmen in a battle for Canada. Samuel De Champlain fought them for no reason, and the the rival began. The Iroquois were the most powerful Indian tribe in Canada in that time. The Iroquois were very spirutal people and believed everything had a spirit. Everything. The men were hunters, traders, and protecters. They went to war when necessary. Old tribe members would sit around a fire and tell stories to young Iroquois. They made crops of corn, wheat, etc.

          On celebrations they would wear a ceremonial hat called a kastoweh. A Kastoweh is a feathered ceremony mask. They did festivals like Corn Planting Festival, Green Corn Festival, Thanksgiving Festival, Maple Festival, New Year Festival, and Strawberry Festival. They consider tribal masks sacred so nobody wears them but only for religious purposes. Men wore leggings and breech close and women wore long wrapped shirts and leather leggings. But in winter, they all wore robes. Most of these clothes were made from animal hide.

        And that is all for Iroquois Indians!


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