Monday, April 11, 2016

Amazon Lily Pad by Jack

        Amazon Lilies are a type of plant that live on water. That's what keeps it in the same place all the time. Amazon Lilies can grow up to 3 ft wide and can hold up to 70lbs!Amazon lilies spread seeds by producing a flower that makes an irresistible scent for beetles. The beetles are attracted and go inside the flower. Then the flower closes up! The beetles are trapped in there for a few days while they get pollen all over them. Amazon Lilies fight for space! The Amazon Lily on the bottom will die while the ones on the top survive. Even if the amazon lily pad can hold up to 70lbs (30kg) it is extremely fragile! A straw held 6 inches above and dropped perpendicularly upon it would readily pass through it! This is a cool plant that takes a long time to grow. This plant lives in the amazon obviously and people grow them in Botanical Gardens in the US.


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