Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Lego Mindstorms

 A few days ago I started Lego Mindstorms. Basically, There is a team, and we have to build a robot and program it to do certain stuff in 2 1/2 minutes. It has to be autonomous, that means programmed to do it ON ITS OWN. Remote control is cheating!! I am in a group of 6. (including me)
Finn, I, Frankie, Eva, Arushi, and Eshan. Our robot has to do certain stuff. We had to build things like a compost machine, a lego factory, a building, truck, car etc. I built the compost machine. It is basically a bunch of gears that tick until some compostable trash turns into fertilizer. (Not Really)

We used these sticky things called dual locks to stick them down where they belong.

Finns Elephant

Today Finn built an EL3PHANT EV3 Bot. It really looks like an elephant! But he was crying hard because it took 12 hours of waste. He didn't even know he could fix it. But it works! It is the hardest Lego EV3 Robot with instructions. It has many gears and wires. It took a while for the head to be fixed and the trunk but it works! He did something with the leg though. I think its pretty cool. It is full of all types of gears, wires, motors, parts, and wheels! It is a great engine even if it doesn't work well.

By Jack :)

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