Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Rainbows by Jack

      Rainbows are a really cool meteorological phenomenon that occurs after rain. It is caused by    reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light. It takes the form of a crescent/arc shape. They can also form in mist. There is not really an end of a rainbow its just and optical illusion caused by any water droplets viewed from a certain angle relative to a light source. There is something called a double rainbow it is just a rainbow over another rainbow. A guy named Aristole found out that rainbows appear always opposite to the sun. Rainbows have really cool colors. Rainbows can occur anywhere with wet, warm water droplets in the air. It turns out, a rainbow is round! The other part is hidden beneath the ground. Rainbows are common near waterfalls. A Rainbow sometimes forms over the mist of a wave. They are called Spray Bows. It has been suggested that rainbows might exist on Saturn's moon, Titan. Titan has humid clouds and a wet surface. I like rainbows. I think they are associated with the month March because March is cold, warm, humid, and rainy. Rainbows occur a lot in mythology like in the book of Genesis. So if you were up in the air and you saw a rainbow, it would be a circle O from below you. And if you were on the ground, you would only see an ark because it depends on your perspective.


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