Monday, March 28, 2016

The Giving Tree

"The Giving Tree" is a book that I just read for my 30 minute reading. My parents think it is sad. I agree.

We've had the book over since I was little... about 8 yrs old. It is about a boy and a tree that were friends. They played together, until the boy grows up and doesn't want to play anymore.

When he is a teenager, he asks for some money. The tree said she doesn't have money, but she has apples. The boy takes all the apples and sells them in the city and gets money.

When he is a parent, he asked for a wife, children and a house. The tree didn't have a house of course, so the boy used her branches to make a house.

When he is about 73 yrs old, he asks the tree for a boat. The tree doesn't have a boat, so the tree told him he could cut down her branches and make a boat to sail far away from where he lived.

When he is about 93, he wanted to sit. All that was left of the tree was a stump. So, the boy sat on it.
They were both happy.

                                                                 The End

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