Wednesday, April 13, 2016


    There are all kinds of boats with some used for over 5000 years! Like the canoe. The canoe is a long, fast, thin boat used by people of today and over 5000 years ago! The Indians of America used them. They built them from tall trees. They were fast transport but you could carry about 2-3 people and little supplies. These are one of the oldest boats in History. Ancient Egyptians also used them. The Barge is a large supply boat used for carrying people and exporting items. Egyptian Pharaoh's used them to travel along the Nile. The Phoenicians were the first people to make a Navy. They were known for that and for making Purple Dye from Murex. Murex is a sea snail that was mainly used back in the day for making purple items. It took 10,000 to make 1 cloak! Only kings and very rich people could afford it. Glass also cost a lot back in the day. Viking Longships were used to conquer lands like England, Germany, Denmark, etc. They were long, wide ships with a serpent's wood carving on the bow. They were fast, and held lots of supplies. They conquered England easily.
Cruises are HUGE ships bigger than any Historic boat back then. It could hold over 10,000 people without sinking! (Not like it could occupy that much). It can hold elephants! Pools! Slides! Mini-Golf etc! They are luxurious with nice little cabins. They have huge funnels to let the exhaust out.

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