Monday, April 18, 2016


Greenland is a cold, snowy desolate place which has record highest place in the world. The highest part, the Peary Lands, is covered in a grayish, brown rock with little snow on it. There is barely anything there but 2 million years ago, it was full of ancient predators and trees. Southern Greenland was discovered by the Vikings and full of whales, seals, fish, etc. It is green and cold there. Everyone has these small beautiful huts for the summer. Barely anyone is there in winter. Its pretty beautiful here in the South part of Greenland. It has 56,000 people total. All season icebergs are on the water. It would be really cool to see this place. Maybe Puffins could be found there. It seems like a nice tourist spot for people who would want to leave Egypt's heat or something.

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