Friday, April 15, 2016

Cool plant facts

There are lots of cool plants that all have cool features like the Wolffia is the smallest seed/plant in the world! Its seeds are microscopic and it lives in water. The Coco De Mer is the biggest seed in the world from the Seychelles Islands! It is bigger than your head and looks like 2 oval shape coconuts were merged. They grow from the palm trees. They are bigger than squirrels .-.   The next one is found on the Himalayans and is called the Highest Growing plant! It is a moss. The Hyperion tree is a HUGE tree found in the West of US. It can grow up to over 300 ft! That is one big tree! Bigger than any skyscraper! Its also called a Coast Redwood. It would be cool to see one! The next one is the biggest fruit in the world! The Pumpkin. They can grow up to 800+ kg! That's like 600 lbs! There is a tree in North America that is over 10,000 years old! It is old looking and I think its called a bristlecone? They are the oldest plants in the world! They are under government protection.
There are more splendid plants out there! Just keep looking!

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