Friday, January 29, 2016

Amos Fortune

              I like the book Amos Fortune. Amos is a 15 year old African chief that was taken away from his homeland and his people. He is taken to Massuchussets to be sold. He worked until his 60's with the Coakland family, and then the Richardsons. The Coakland father died, to the Richardson's took him in. Then the Richardson's father died, so the wife gave him freedom. He worked as a tanner in the Richardson family so Amos became a tanner. He worked until he had enough money to buy a wife. He wanted a wife.

            He bought a slave named Lily. She died in less than a year so Amos bought another wife named Lydia. She too died but Amos had the satisfaction of knowing that she died free. Then Amos bought another wife named Violet and her daughter Cylindia. They moved from their town Woburn to a place called Jaffrey. Amos sold his house and bought an old horse named Cyclops. Someone told him he would get more tanner customers in Jaffrey. He made friends with the Constable and the Constable gave him an acre of land. Then in 10 years Amos buys 25 acres of land. This helps him a lot with his work. He had doubts about buying that land because he wanted to help the Burdoo's. The mother, Lois, had a way with wasting money and all of it going away. So his wife Violet told him that he shouldn't do that because they waste their money very fast.

          So Amos asked Lois if she would let her boys work for him and he would pay them. Now Amos had workers! He had 2 apprentices who worked and helped him tan the leather. Now he had 4 people working for him. Now Amos had work and lots of money! He worked a lot and he was getting old. He was 80! That is very old back then. He was born in 1706. Then he put his new money in a different place. Violet wondered what he was doing but she didn't ask. Then when he was 80-90, he went to the deacon of the church and donated 100's of pounds! That's 1000's of dollars back then! He donated it to the school that Cylindia went to. Then he asked for his gravestone and Violet's to be specially written and made.

R.I.P Amos Fortune. A good man. Age: 91
R.I.P Violette Fortune. A great Woman. Age: 76


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