Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Double Crested Cormorant by Jack

                The cormorant is a big black fishing bird that lives around rivers like the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, and Arkansas. It has a big neck and a little smaller than a stork.

       Basically all along the US major rivers. These birds are experts at diving and fishing. Just imagine a black loon with a bulkier body. These birds are known in some places of the coast. The adult's are black brown and the immature's have a brown body. They have a small patch of yellow skin between their eyes and the middle of the beak. The Cormorant's beak is hooked and very thin. They form colonies of twig nests on trees on an island or on flooded trees/timber. This bird is very well known near the Mid-US rivers. This bird is like a loon and a stork combined.

This is obviously a cormorant.
Image result for double crested cormorant

That's all for today people!

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