Thursday, December 10, 2015

#1 Minn Of The Mississippi DO NOT READ IF WANT IT SPOILED


Remember this: Some sentences skipped other ones. These are the things I remember.

       Minn hatched in Little Elk Lake in Minnesota. When she hatched and went to water, a boy with a rifle shot her left rear leg off! Minn now had 3 legs but swam to safety. After that an Indian boy found her under a lillypad. He picked her up and put her in a bucket. He put a water bug in after he discovered she had 3 legs. A few days later, The rangers found who was shooting and he paid a fine and lost his rifle. The boy freed her 100 Miles South of where Minn was born. The Indian boy named her Minn because its Indian for water. Then Minn hunted and saved some food for winter. She buried under the mud with the food so she could wake up and eat during winter.

        When she woke up, she saw people so she went to a shady swamp near Illinois. Then she laid her eggs. She moved to a different swamp because it dried out. Now she passes dams and she is very scared. Now a few years later, She is aboard the houseboat Evangeline. The old lady ( I think Martha) Keeps her with her for the summer. She gets free when a cruise hits the Evangeline and the barrel she lived in, tipped over. She was fed so much that she weighed 30 Pounds! Now she traveled down to Missouri. She got tired of that barrel. Now she went to Lake Pepin. She lived in a sunken canoe for a while and then kept on going. She was 13!

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