Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Presidential Election and Canidates ( Jack )

      The Most Important part of the Laws is the Presidential Election. The presidential election has many Canidates running For Office.  For Office means running for President. Canidates go to all 50 states to try to convince people to vote for them. A good president is smart, strong, knows what he/she is doing, and will do what is necessary. Trump is kind of crazy and has no sense of humor. He is very strong but he does what is irrelevant. A good president should not think and do crazy things. Presidents go on shows and debates to convince millions to vote for them. Trump has many followers and is in leading candidates in many debates. A canidate is very rich. Trump is one of the richest businessmen. Voting is held every 4 years. Last vote was 2012 and the newest one is 2016. Candidates can only run for President 2 times.  That's all for Presidents and Trump!

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