Thursday, January 28, 2016

Anne Frank By Jack

                 Anne Frank/ANF was a famous Jew who wrote a diary of her life in the 1900's. She started her diary when she was 13. Sadly, she died when 15. Hitler made Germany rise to power and to take over the world. This is bad. Germany started with killing Jews and then Britain, Italy, Ireland, North Africa etc. My grandpa was born in 1942 so he was a baby when the war started.

    Just imagine. Hiding in cellars, annexes, holes, etc for months! This war is very bad. So ANF was born in 1929. Her sister Margo is 3 years older. Then they move to Amsterdam. She is 14 or 15 when she starts hiding with 8 people in a hidden annex. They remained there for like 2 months? Soon The Nazis found them and put them in concentration camp. ANF gave her diary to her father, Otto Frank. When they went to different camps, everyone except Otto was alive. This was sad. Then Otto read his daughter's diary and fulfilled his daughter's wishes to publish to book. Thanks to Otto, The Frank family is famous! Soon, Hitler and his army were invading Paris. Britain, Russia, etc. came to help and stop the Nazis. When Hitler saw his army failing, he killed himself! That is good and bad. You shouldn't do that, but he was crazy. Soon the Nazis were defeated and people exploded their logo and creations. There was joy to the world and complete sadness. Then Otto published his daughter's diary. There were about 170,000 Jews  who went to camps and only 5000 survived! One of them was Otto.



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