Thursday, January 21, 2016

Michigan Flint river

              You probably know about this but Michigan switched from healthy water from Huron, to the iron+lead Flint River. This has been going on for 2 years! Imagine you are drinking for 2 years water with lead in it and you die. Many have moved out of their homes due to the poisonous water. This is very VERY bad. This was a way for the government to 'save money'. Instead they were sued. This water started off with brownish water with iron until the government didn't want to filter it and soon lead came. Lead can be very bad for your brain, blood etc. You could forget stuff, and it could be harder to learn. I'm pretty sure many people have died and they are forced to drink it to live. The best idea is to sell your house and the government is only giving filters and bottled water, only to save money. I hope the government switches back from the Flint river to Lake Huron. This is like #PrayForParis instead it is #PrayForHealthyWater. I don't know so much about this but I know it is pretty bad.


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