Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tanning by Jack

                 Tanning is a long process to make leather in colonial times. This leather makes coats, shirts, shoes, socks, etc.

 There is still tanning today! First, you need a hide. Get oak bark and mash it into a powder.

    Now soak the hide and wash it for 48 hours. Then you remove pores and membranes by putting it in sulphuric acid for 3 days. Be careful. This stuff can burn you! Then you unhair it again. Then you bate it (whatever that is). Tanning can take months or even years! You get a lot of money depending on the quality. Rushing fast for the leather can make it stiff and hard. Tanning is pretty cool but it takes up so much of your time. Deer, cow, ox, horse, moose etc. are what people tanned a lot in the colonial times. So much of your stuff is leather and you don't even know it! I <3 Leather!


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