Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Paul Bunyan

Paul Bunyan was a fictional giant lumberjack that cut down trees wherever he went. People said he had many birthplaces.  Maine, Minnesota, I could go on.
Walt Disney created a cartoon in 1958 called Paul Bunyan. The show is about pretty much what I explained up there.
With his double bladed ax, nothing could stop him from chopping trees, except nighttime I guess.
His pet which he would load wood in was Babe the Blue Ox. Together, they built towns and big cities. Wood was valuable back then. Later, this guy and Paul Bunyan had a contest of who could collect the most wood. With a chain saw and a train, Joe, one of the competitors won against Paul Bunyan. Paul collected 240 and Joe got 240.1 so Joe won. The show is fiction because when Paul played with Babe, they made mountains, which you cannot do in real life. Stretching a river you cannot do, and grabbing Aurora Borealis and tossing it around is impossible.
You can find the Paul Bunyan show on Youtube, or find out about the statues on Wikipedia.

Paul Bunyan is very interesting! :D

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