Monday, January 4, 2016

The 13 Colonies

            The 13 Colonies originated from England. Immigrants traveled to America for better lives. The 13 Colonies are Massachusetts, North Carolina, Maine, Georgia, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Conneticut, Pensyllvania, Maryland, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia, And New York. This all started in Massachusetts. The Mayflower set sail to MAS. The Pilgrims found nice Indians, good food, water, and wood. They settled on Cape Cod. Virginia Dare was the first white baby born in America. America was already discovered before the Mayflower set sail. Roanoke island has a mystery of lost people in Indian Tribes. That is strange! When America became popular, more people came to get a better life. They had to go through starvation and sickness to survive. Many did not make it. It was hard back then. Then the government fought back against the British. Britain lost because the French were with the Americans.

Stay tuned for more!

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