Monday, May 9, 2016

Antarctica's Fossils

Antarctica is a breeding ground for fossils. They are everywhere! Antarctica is really cold so it may be perilous to search for fossils. There are a lot of ammonites, shark vertebrae, crylophosaurs, gastroliths, and many other prehistoric items. They are found on that frozen continent along with the mosasaur fossil used in Jurrasic Park! Most of these are found on Vega Island. Vega is located on the West Antarctica ice sheet by Base Marambio and James Ross Island. This is a picture of Antarctica and Australia forming a place called Dinosaur Cove. This was around 104 million years ago. New Zealand didn't really move anywhere. Antarctica was really small back then. Many people like Aristole believed there was a "Terra Australis Incognita" which meant Southern Unknown Land in Latin. John Davis was the 1st person to set foot on Antarctica on the 7th of February, 1821. John Davis was a sealer. Some people explored Antarctica with the Discovery and some died! That is crazy.

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