Thursday, May 12, 2016

Cacti #2

Cacti can be very big and wide and can live up to over 2000 years, I think. The tallest cactus lives in Arizona, and goes by the name Cardón Cactus. It has many branches and if an owl wanted to live in there, it would have an owl sized mansion! Some cacti are also as big as the Cardon. The Saguaro can grow up to the size of a palm tree. My favorite is the barrel cactus. My piano teacher has a tiny one this is no joke THEY ARE SPIKEY :O Its just crazy thinking most tiny Cacti are soft but most aren't! I like Cacti because they are hardcore plants. They barely need water. They are easy to take care of. Most Cacti live in the Mojave Desert, but some can live in the Sahara I think. Cacti can grow in weird shapes, like a long but not wide barrel cactus. They can have lots of flower colors and can even produce fruit!  There are flower colors like Blue, purple, pink, orange, yellow, red, and green! Some cacti have so much spines they look white! Cacti are always green no matter what. Their fruit can be yellow, green and pink I think? The inside has black spots and red.

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