Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Dinner party

I am going to write about a made up dinner party. I will invite 10 people including my family so that leaves 5 to choose from. I would choose an ocelot from minecraft, Douglas Adams, Frankie, a Mongol, and a wild boar. They all serve a purpose in making this night crazy!!! First off, the first course is pizza. I choose pepperoni, the ocelot chooses anchovy, Douglas Adam's chooses Pinapple because he says he is a Veggie tarian and he says pizza is luminarti confirmed... The boar chooses apple pizza and the Mongol chooses equine meat. Of course we can't communicate to the Mongol that his topping was his horse, so we just kept silent. Frankie chose pepperoni along with me and my family. The ocelot mewed, and Douglas Adams; beside ocelot, says "You asked what is the meaning of life?". "It' 42." Frankie yells illuminati confirmed! Ocelot hisses when it sees a creeper outside the window so we let the ocelot go. It comes back with TNT in its fur and meows at me. We are still hungry so we eat sushi. I choose Alaskan King Crab, The ocelot chooses salmon, the Mongol chooses cow meat sushi, Frankie chooses the same as me, and the boar takes avocado because he is a veggi tarian too. Douglas Adams gets a boat of sushi for us with 42 sushi rolls! He obviously eats one of each. My family takes the North Carolina roll. We munch and munch until we feel fishy. Tomorrow  we get fast food. We all get the same but its delicious! Me and my family bring pulled pork, the Mongol brings, a skinny cow, Douglas Adams brings some rock from the planet Nano, Frankie brings Indian, the boar brings peaches, and the ocelot brings a squirrel. We all share and have a delishus meal.

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