Monday, July 13, 2015

Finn's first post!

My first post is our trip to Florida. We drove 10 hours in the car. When we were there, we rented a house before we got there so we unloaded the truck, chose rooms and played in the pool the house had. The pool behind it was the St. Lucie River. Dolphins are found there. Later on in our vacation, Me and my Mom threw food crumbs in the river. Some needlefish came and nibbled, and when we saw a fish jump, we threw it near where it jumped to see if any crumbs were eaten. We did this at the house wooden dock, behind the pool. When we were walking back we saw 4 stingrays. They were really cool!!! We also saw a big fish swim by them. It was huge!!!! When I was going to see if dolphins were out in the morning, I see a fish jump and then a swarm of something swirling around where the fish jumped. What was that spiral thing around the fish???

After a week rental of the house, we left and spent the rest of the vacation at my Mom's friends house, Li and Poppy Woppy, (that's what we call him) They are looking after 2 Special dogs, Freddie and Tad. Freddie is a girl and Tad is a boy. Freddie was found by the owner of Tad on a road in Mississippi. The owner had Tad. Freddie stays at Li and Poppy Woppy's house and when ever I leave with my family and come back, Freddie jumps off the couch, runs up to the kitchen, into the mudroom and then lies over on her back and lets me scratch her tummy :P. Meanwhile, Tad, barks behind Freddie while Freddie lets me scratch her tummy. Tad is a shy dog, but he is cuddly. Freddie is brown and tad is white. Tad likes sitting on three red-velvet colored couches. Li and Poppy Woppy also have a pool. We play in it a little. We usually play with the dogs. 2 dogs I forgot to talk about was Princess and Ricky. Princess died of old age. :(. Ricky is a old dog who has Brain Tumor, it is like a disease in his head. Ricky is still alive :D. Last time we were there Li said Ricky is going to die and you won't see him next time you come here, but the is still alive!! :D:D:D!!

We also play with Uncle Mikey, Aunt  Julie, Palmer, Nilla, which is their dog and a month old baby Quinn!!! We play at Grandma and Grandpa's house all day. Grandpa can do anything!! He is building a car. He is also a great cook. So is grandma. We play with Cameron and Genevieve and Uncle Matt.

We went paddle boarding also on a river. It was harder than I thought!!! :P.

Florida is a great place. Another greater vacation is coming!!!!!

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