Thursday, July 16, 2015

- Jack The Vikings

          The Vikings

       The Vikings were Northern pirates that attacked the coasts of Europe. There is no more         Vikings now. Vikings came from Scandinavia/Finland, Norway, and Sweden. I have been reading about Eric The Red. He was a crazy, famous viking! He discovered Greenland too. His son leaf, discovered America! They met Indians too! They were hostile also. 

Before they found America, they discovered a barren island, a forest island, and a GRAPE island! The crew of Vikings and Leif discovered grapes in that area so they built another ship and stored it with wine and grapes. They brought some back to feed Greenland. Eric died D:  . The crew was sad. And Leif said he will never go back so then a group of Icelandic traders went to trade with Greenland and then Leif told them about the west and the Indians. So the Icelandic people went there but further south and found Indians. They fought first, but then they wanted to trade with them so they traded. But when a Bull/Cow ran loose, the Indians thought that the Icelandic people did this so they attacked. The Iceland people fled and then next Christopher Columbus came and fought the Indians and won. And Leif stayed and watched over Greenland because he was the Chief.

            And that is the story of the Vikings and America!

    - Jack

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