Monday, July 13, 2015


My trip to Florida.        We= Finn, Jack, And Eva

                My trip to Florida was great! We rented a river home on the St. Lucie River. The house was a 1 story and had a room for all of us except Sam. Sam slept where he wanted. Me and Finn shared a room by the entrance. Eva's was just down the hallway. Mom and Dad's was on the opposite side of the house. They had a nice backyard and pool! It was great for catching lizards because around the pool was full of them in the sun. Unfortunately, I didn't catch one.

                     One day we went to Carabbas Italian Grill. After we ate, My mom's Friend Li introduced us to this place that had 32 inch lizards. I think they were native to Jamaica. They were called Rainbow lizards. Most of them had black and orange on them. Then we went back and Li made a Peach Pie. It was delicious! Eva said she didn't like it… I used Dad's GoPro Camera and filmed underwater.

                     We saw our cousins that we haven't seen in 3 years! We also went to a place called Shakras Deli for lunch. It was out last day. Us and our Relatives went to a lagoon! I saw fish in the water and a few crabs. Some small parts were pretty deep, but some other parts were shallow. There was a strong current too. We hung there for a while and then went to Grandma's house. We celebrated our Mom's B-Day and played in the pool. Most of us went paddle boarding and I even got to see my new cousin Quinn!! It took about 30 minutes to get to the lagoon. Most of us ate Li's brownies. They were so good! We only rented the river house for a week and the other week we stayed at Li's house. There are 3 dogs. Freddie is a girl and she is very fun and energetic. She is brown. Tad is a shy, small white gray dog that likes to hide. Ricky is a furry, small, white dog that has a tumer. D: D: D: D: The doctors said he will die in 80 days but that was like a year ago. Right now he lives 9 times the doctors said he will live. I also lost a tooth at Grandma's! It was cool.

                                 Florida was so fun! I want to go back right now. Florida has great adventures!
                                                       - Jack

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