Thursday, July 23, 2015

Marshes - Jack

I am writing about Marshes.

 Marshes are all over the world. There can be Northern Marshes and Southern Marshes. Northern Marshes are full of bass, fish, bears, ducks, deer, moose, geese, mice, minks, raccoons, beavers, and more! The water is a bit cold and is rocky. 

         Southern marshes hold animals like fish, crocodiles, alligators, tigers, water buffalo and a few more. These marshes are sandy and some southern marshes have quicksand. These southern marshes could be anywhere with a lot of water, and life like a jungle. 

Marshes can be anywhere fertile and wet. 🌲🌳🌴 Northern marshes are in places like Canada and the U.S. These ones have a lot of grass and they freeze in the winter. They are mostly surrounded by pine trees and some have dams built in the water. A marsh is pretty much a wet, soggy waterhole full of life. Most are bigger than a pond. Northern ones also have lily pads in the water. There is not many in The really Far East. The land is more bamboo-ish then marshy. Marshes are like swamps, but smaller. There could be marshes in Egypt though. There is no current in marshes so you can't get dragged away by water. If you see a ripple, assume it is a waterbug or anything bigger. People used to fish in Marshes but I think they went to lakes to fish. 
         That is all I know for Marshes!
- Jack

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