Thursday, July 16, 2015

LEGO Robotics

Legos are fun but have you heard of legos moving by themselves??? LEGO Robotics can make them move, shoot, attack and other cool stuff!!! The LEGO Robot I want from the first kit is this:
It is really cool. It is called the R3TAR. It can move fast, move it's head back and forth, and DRAW AND ATTACK!!!!!
These are EV3 robots, that you can program yourself! Control it with the Lego Mindstorms (lego robot creators) on your Mobile Device or infrared remote! It also has a camera that you can use on your computer to see things of what the robot's current vision is. You can see who's there and strike!
It is really funny and cool. The R3TAR has 4 fangs and when you strike it opens it's mouth with it. Other robots you can create can grab stuff, shoot stuff like the EV3 robot the first robot it is when you get it. One thing which is really keeping me away from it is the price. I can build anything with the robots, even my own robot just like others made one without instructions but the price!!!! $349.99!!! My friend Frankie can buy one, he has $350!!! It starts from this robot: and as you can see, on the bottom right up form one of the robots, there is the R3PTAR. Also there are other popular ones, like EV3RSTORM, which is shown, TRACK3R, GRIPP3R, SPIK3R, and the one I want, R3PTAR. Lego robotics, take time, knowledge, and programming the Programmer Brick that comes with the set. All I want is THE LEGO ROBOT!!

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