Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Seven Continents! Jack

Here are three facts about each continent.

Asia is where most seafood is caught and created.
Asia is the biggest continent in the world!
And, Asia is the top producing continent. Most items in the US comes from Asia.
Australia is home to animals that do not exist elsewhere in the world, for example, the Platypus.
The north of Australia is warm in winter. In the south the winters are colder. That is because the south is closer to the Antarctic, and the north is closer to the equator
Australia means southern in Latin.
Antarctica's coldest record was about -316 Degrees Fahrenheit!
It is the 5th largest continent in the world!
Antarctica is not really a continent. It is an iceberg. Sort of.
North America
North America was discovered by Vikings.
Indians were the 1st people in America. They have encountered the Vikings.
Then Christopher Columbus discovered America for Spain.
South America
South America had two main Indian tribes, The Incas and Aztecs.
The Spainiards conquered South America and stole their jewelry :(
Machu Picchu is a Peruvian town that was a hiding place for the Incas when The Spaniards came. That's where all the Incan's retreated to.

Europe is the homeland of the Vikings.
Europe holds many rivers, but the biggest is The Danube River.
The Celts were the first people in England. So these people are our ancestors.

The 1st evolved people lived in Africa. They were hairy like monkeys but they were people. They killed prey by using sharp rocks and flint. Africa is where we get malaria mosquitos, which kill 30% Of the population in the world! Nomadic people still roam the plains, but many stopped moving across the continent.

By: Jack

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