Friday, August 7, 2015

Dinosaurs By Jack

This is the Triassic Period      It was marshy, dry, and not very fertile  
    Dinosaurs have been around for millions of years. But they died out 65M years ago. There were three periods in the Mesozoic Era. The triassic, the jurassic, and finally the cretaceous periods.This was the Jurassic Period. It was full of bigs dinosaurs and raptors.

This is the cretaceous period. Fertile and full of many climates

         Dinosaurs have been living for over 300 Million years. Nobody knows why they died out. It could have been a meteor hurtling towards Earth. Or volcanos. Or an ice age long ago. Scientists are trying to find out why. The first dinosaur ever found was in the 1900's. People haven't known about dinosaurs for a long time!! I think it was the Ichthyosaurus. The Ichthyosaurus is a sea dinosaur that was pretty big. The smallest dinosaur was probably the Archaeopteryx. It was probably the first dinosaur that ever lived. The smartest was the Troodon. It was small but it hunted in packs.

And thats all about dinosaurs!

By Jack

there is a 2nd one

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