Thursday, August 6, 2015


      Peak is a 15 year old kid that climbed Mount Everest and helped the youngest person ever to it. He helped someone named Sun-Jo, a 14 year old kid. Peak was from New York but he left because he illegally climbed a skyscraper and someone copied him and died. So he was sent to Everest with his stepdad. Unfortunately, he climbed over 20,000 ft and his stepdad said he had to go down!

            That was later in the book. Sun-Jo wasn't allowed at Everest, but he climbed anyway. The Chinese were trying to hunt him down, but he survived. His grandpa, Zopa brang Peak and Sun-Jo to everest and he helped them to get to the top. When his stepdad said he had to go down, Peak, Zopa, Sun-Jo and 2 people named Yogi and Yash, helped him reach the top and become the youngest to reach the top! :D    

          In the book, a few people died on the mountain D: And after Peak reached the top with Sun-Jo, he went back to New York and saw his family! :D He hadn't seen them in a while. I would recommend it because it is full of adventure and danger!


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