Thursday, August 20, 2015

-Jack Dave

       It all started when we were out shopping for groceries and I spotted a butterfly. His tail part of back wing was gone. It might have been for balancing. I told Mom and Finn. We put him on a bush and then went shopping. When we were done,  Dave ( We call him that ) fell off! We unloaded and put him in a chick-fil-a fry holder and hurried as fast as we could to our butterfly bush. We gave him some fresh flowers and he still lives. Dave is weak, but still alive. He is one of those black yellow monarch butterflies. We hope he'll live to see another day.
A picture of what Dave looks like. He is a strong butterfly! He has survived 2 hours since we found him and he is still where we put him. I thought he died because only the wind was moving him and he wasn't moving. D: . But he is alive! I hope he survives the night and day too. You see that tallish part on the right wing? That is what was gone missing.

I have hope for Dave!!!

A true story made by Jack Rissanen.

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