Friday, August 7, 2015

LEGO Mindstorms Sensors by Finn

Today I will be writing about LEGO Mindstorms Robotic Sensors. Here they are:

Ultrasonic Sensor: This is a sensor that detects how far away an object is. This is useful if you want it to stop instead of hitting an object. It is like the IR Sensor, (infrared sensor) but it has different eyes.

Color Sensor: This sensor is used so the robot tracks lines. If the lines go over, it recognizes that it is going to fall of a table. When this happens, (as you program it) it will avoid it and go backwards.

Gyro Sensor: This is a useful sensor because it shows you an angle or degrees (your choice) to you. Angle is recommended because about 120 degrees it mid-left. You get the idea.

NXT Sound Sensor: I'm not really sure what this does. One reason is because it was from the 2nd version, LEGO Mindstorms NXT and NXT 2.0. What I think it does is when yo program it, you say something it is either to respond to you, or copy what you said. Don't know, but here is an image:

Touch Sensor: The Touch Sensor is very useful because if you program it for you to press the button, it will do something. It is also useful if you are going to make a LEGO Mindstorms Robot game, press the touch sensor and begin!! Image

That is mostly all I know about the main sensors to my robot. Enjoy this Information!!!

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