Thursday, August 27, 2015


The Iriquois Indians are people that are Native American and lived in Northeastern U.S.. They were hunters and gatherers and farmers and fisherman but main staples of their diet come from farming. They harvested the three sisters -corn, beans and squash and were great for smoking. Their crops grow in a very specific manner and were managed, grown and harvested by the girls of a tribe. Out of six annual ceremonies, four revolved around the corn. They also gathered fruit, wild berries, roots, greens,sunflower, barks and others. In the early spring, they tapped sap off Maple trees and turned it into maple syrup (which we drink today) :P They move to a new settlement close to water every 10-30 years as soil loses nutrients and animal and fish go way.

They are good at hunting. Iroquois Indians are cool!

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