Friday, August 14, 2015

Gallimimus by Jack

                              The Gallimimus was an ornithomimid theropod dinosaur that lived in the Gobi    Desert in Mongolia. It ate small animals and plants so it was probably an omnivore and a herbivore.  Its eyes on the side of its head indicates that it did not have binocular vision. It was 8 meters long and is the most biggest ornithomimosaurs today. It lived during the late Cretaceous period. Just when the dinosaurs died out! It's legs were built to run so it could run fast. It could outrun a sandstorm if it wanted to. They were probably an evolution of an ostrich. They were alike in many ways. The first fossil was discovered in August, 1963. It was found in the Gobi. The gallimimus didn't eat big food. Its beak wasn't big enough. It probably hung around the southern part of Gobi where it had water and more food because it was near China, and China has lots of water and food. The Gallimimus may have had feathers because the ostrich has feathers. The Gallimimus was bigger than the ostrich, but it evolved and became smaller. It had a small head so it probably had a small brain! It was really big! 8 meters is 26 ft long! Imagine how much full grown people it would take to be as long as this dinosaur! It might have been about 3 people long and 1 1/2 people tall! That is a big dinosaur!

And that is all about the Gallimimus!


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