Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A Long Walk To Water: A True Story

            Salva was born in 1974 and was 11 when the South Sudan war struck. He lost his family except he fled with other people and found his uncle. He found family! They traveled East to Kenya and Ethiopia to a refugee camp. But on the way through the desert, They met bad people! The people killed his uncle and took the adult's clothes ;-;. They weren't interested in Salva's clothes. The group got to a refugee camp! The camp was bad. Not enough food. So Salva made a group of 1500 people called the "Lost Boys". Salva led them to Ethiopia for a better camp. There Salva met an aid-worker who liked Salva and taught him English. At that camp there was a list for orphans who would fly to America! Salva wanted to be on that list but instead he played lots of volleyball. Months later he was on the list! He said goodbye to the aid-worker and flew to Hamburg, Germany. Then Salva flew to Rochester, New York. He met his new family and went to college. He thought his family would laugh at him for wearing that many clothes, but they didn't. 6 years later, he was on the family computer and he got an email from a cousin in Zimbabwe, Someone he barely knew. The email said, United Nations         clinic     your father          Stomach Surgery. His father was alive! He planned going there for months but he needed permits. He finally got to the clinic and met his father! They haven't seen each other in 19 years! The sad thing was that 2 of his brothers died. ;-;    He moved back to Sudan and raised money from schools in NY to make wells for people who need water. Hard to believe all of this is true!


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