Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Fruits and Angiosperms : Jack

       Fruits come from a plant type, called Angiosperms. These have seeds on the inside, not outside. These fruits are categorized .  Gymnosperms have seeds on the outside, and fruit on the inside.

Dry Fruits                                   Wet Fruits
Shells, pods, wings, fruit.               Wet.

These fruits are categorized even more!

Simple Fruits                 Multiple Fruits           Aggregates                     Hesperidium       
Beans, Nuts,              Pineapple                        Strawberry                   Cucumbers,
Tomatoes, Melon,      Figs                                 Blackberry                   Melon,
Grains, Apples                                                  Raspberry                     Squash,
Olives, Stonefruits.                                                                              Citrus.

Botanical Berries
Grapes, Kiwi,
Avocado, Cranberry.

These are most fruits categorized into 5 catagories.

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