Thursday, February 25, 2016

Seed Dispersion By Jack

Seeds always find a way to disperse no matter where they are. Dispersion means to spread out. There are 4 ways to disperse for plants. Wind, Water, Animals, and !Explosions!  Wind is the most common way for seeds to spread. There are 2 forms of seed shapes that help them spread. The first is helicopter. The seed is shaped like a wing and then spin around and around. It then catches the wind and spreads. The next is a parachute. It floats slowly to the ground and then flies away. The next is water. This has only 1 way to spread. They are waterproof and light. Things like sea bean and coconut float to other islands and are planted.

       Animals help seeds spread very efficiently. One way is that the seed is shaped like a hook and sticks to animals e.g deer and then spread! Another way is that seeds land in their food and they get pooped out. The poop can help the plants like fertilizer. Another way is squirrels bury and move the seeds to where they put it. And finally the 'explosions'. They are not really explosions just seed pods bursting. These pods burst and then the seeds are dispersed by the wind.

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