Tuesday, February 16, 2016

toooday by jack

          Today I read story of the world the 1st book. I reviewed the nomads and Sumerians. The sumerians had their own city country. And Kish conquered it all by Sargon. Sargon was found floating down a river in a basket when he was like 0-1. He was found by a king's servant and the king's servant raised him. He became the water tester and drank water to see if he would not die. The king trusted him and his friends (like the general) killed the king and Sargon ruled in his new country, Asseria. There was a city that was no match for him so he avoided it. Babylon. He soon died and his sons ruled but they weren't that good. The government fell apart and the king of Babylon, Hamurrabi, took over. Hamurrabi made the first set of laws that we know of. The code of Hamurrabi was harsh. Example: if you stole an animal, you would have to pay 10x its cost and if you don't have the money, the would be put to death. It is harsh right? And that's my favorite thing today!


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